"version": "***0.0.1***",
"shop": "grow-up-vertical-farming.myshopify.com",
"product": {
"handle": "freedom-series-anywhere-big-and-bold-plants-only",
"id": "7220388757666",
"tags": "Plants,Plants Only",
"title": "Freedom Series Anywhere - Plants Only",
"product_url": "/products/freedom-series-anywhere-big-and-bold-plants-only"
"cart": {
"items": [
This plant selection is perfect for almost any office. With the beautiful greens and a few details for contrast your greenwall is guaranteed to impress. It will also be really easy to maintain.
Shipment contains 16 plants in their 4" nursery pots, ready to be hung in your Freedom Series unit. Just insert the wick provided with your system and place the plant on the greenwall.
Plant choices will include the plants listed below or similar species approved for use in the greenwall system and subject to plant availability at the time of delivery. This image is the recommended plant layout.
Big and Bold

Colors above in image correlate to different types of plants form the GrowUp Indoor plant guide.
Dark Green - Category 1
Yellow - Category 2
Neon Green - Category 4
Blue - Category 5
Lush Green

Colors above in image correlate to different types of plants form the GrowUp Indoor plant guide.
Dark Green - Category 1
Yellow - Category 2
Neon Green - Category 4
Blue - Category 5
Red - Fern